Dragon’s Dogma 2 Feels Like A Gorgeous Makeover Of The Series’ Core Values

The first time I ventured out into the vast open land of Dragon’s Dogma 2, I was accompanied by my three companions as we followed a lead on a missing young boy, suspected to have been dragged off by a pack of wolves. As I pursued the trail, my crew and I fought off a gang of thieves, sliced our way through banshees, discovered treasure, and battled a giant troll on the edge of a cliff that eventually fell to its death. None of these occurrences were at all related to one another, nor did they pertain to the lost boy that set this journey in motion. Instead, this thread of distinct events emerged naturally and set the tone for the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2. The long-awaited sequel is a giant open land where danger looms around every corner in all shapes and sizes, and regardless of your quest, there’s always the chance a cyclops could unravel your best-laid plans by picking you up and hurling you into the ocean.

Based on the three hours I played at a preview event, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is very much an extension of everything the first game accomplished 12 years ago. It’s an open-world fantasy RPG, mixed with cool-as-hell action combat, and giant mythical monsters to cling onto, with its unique player-created pawn companion system as a centerpiece. It’s all still there from a gameplay perspective, so the most standout change is the RE Engine-powered makeover that aims to place the series’ core values in the best possible light.

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