PUBG studio’s upcoming Sims competitor is full of realistic features like driving and getting into car accidents – but not like “what you see in Grand Theft Auto”

The gorgeous life sim currently in development with PUBG studio Krafton has a lot of unique features, including driving and getting into car accidents.

On April 30, some of InZoi’s development team – including game director Hyungjun Kim – got together to share a first look at the life sim’s new features. Previously, we had a gameplay trailer – where I said it was the prettiest Sims competitor I’d ever seen – but this latest video gives us an in-depth look at what we’ll be able to get up to when InZoi eventually releases. 

In the video, Kim reveals several exciting and refreshing features coming to InZoi, many of which have come straight from the community via the game’s Discord server. They all sound great but there was one feature that caught me by surprise. A lot of work has gone into making InZoi feel very realistic – so realistic that its characters can get into car accidents and die if they’re not careful. 

Around the 1:30 mark, the director gets onto the topic of cars in the upcoming game and explains some of the quirks of this mode of transport. “One of the most requested features for inZOI is to have drivable cars in the game,” Kim says via machine translation. “Something I need to mention right off the bat is that driving in inZoi will not be like what you see in Grand Theft Auto.” Instead, the team at Krafton has “designed our driving system strictly with ‘life simulation’ in mind.” 

This means players can get inside their vehicle and look around, tell people nearby to hop in when sitting in the driver’s seat, and even get into accidents. “We wanted to make it when driving for realistic events like getting into car accidents to be a possibility,” the developer says. He also reveals that you’ll be able to customize and clean your car and go on road trips. NPCs will also take notice if you’ve got a particularly fancy model and ask to take photos with it. 

If you were wondering, Zoi (playable humans in InZoi) can die if they get into accidents. Thankfully, InZoi will have a feature called ‘Time Machine’ which “is just a fancy way of describing automatic save files” and will let players go back to their last save before their Zoi met their demise and continue from there. 

There are so many other interesting and unique features set to be included in the game – like a karma system, custom content, detailed photo mode, and more –  that it’s almost overwhelming. I’m really excited to see how this game shapes up as it really could give The Sims 5 a run for its money. 

Here’s our list of games like The Sims to keep you busy while we wait to find out more about InZoi. 

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