The Rings of Power season 2, episode 8 recap, Easter eggs, and ending explained: Sauron and Galadriel go head to head in an epic finale

It’s here: The Rings of Power season 2, episode 8 has arrived, and the finale has plenty to process. Last week’s episode left us with Arondir’s fate unclear, Adar victorious, Celebrimbor breaking down, and Galadriel on the run. 

This week, season 2 is brought to a thunderous close. There’s plenty to dig into, and we’ve got the lowdown on all you need to know here, with a complete recap, all the Easter eggs from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works, and your biggest questions about the ending answered. 

So, for everything you need to know about the season 2 finale, head to the below. Adventure awaits! 

The Rings of Power season 2, episode 8 recap 

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

The episode begins with Durin IV heading down to speak to his father. King Durin refuses to take off his ring, though it works out for the moment – he breaks through into a vast mithril cavern. Everything seems to be perfect, until a monstrous creature appears: the Balrog. 

In a seriously emotional moment, King Durin sacrifices himself to fight the Balrog, ensuring his son gets to safety. King Durin is killed, though, and rocks fall between him and Prince Durin and Disa. That effectively saves the rest of Khazad-dûm from destruction. 

Elsewhere, the Stranger finally comes across the mysterious Dark Wizard. The Dark Wizard calls the Stranger an old friend and says there are five of their kind – Tolkien fans might have found their ears pricked up here, as of course these five wizards are Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and two Blue Wizards without names. The Dark Wizard also doesn’t actually like to be called the Dark Wizard, either, saying that’s a name placed upon him by men out of ignorance. 

However, the Stranger isn’t keen on going with the Dark Wizard and turns him down, once he sees that Poppy and Nori are in danger. “When your senses have returned, I will be waiting,” the Dark Wizard says, but not before a brief, magical showdown. 

Meanwhile, over in Numenor, everyone faithful to the Sea Queen is declared a traitor. That puts Elendil in danger, and his daughter runs to warn him before he can be arrested, meaning he escapes. 

Back in Eregion, things have gone from bad to worse. Celebrimbor is slowly being murdered by Sauron, still in his Annatar guise. Before Celebrimbor can die, though, he tells Sauron: “The Rings of Power shall destroy you.” He also warns that “one alone shall prove your utter ruin.” Now, that sounds a lot like Frodo to us. Before dying, Celebrimbor declares Sauron “the Lord of the Rings,” which draws a tear from the Dark Lord’s eye. The Orcs then enter the room and ask Annatar if he is Sauron. “I have many names,” he replies, ominously. 

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Over in the Southlands, Theo finally returns home safely. Isildur and Estrid share a kiss, and Kemen arrives from Numenor. All is not well, though, as he won’t give the Southlands the aid that was promised, and Isildur’s friends aren’t allowed to leave with him. Isildur boards a ship home, leaving Estrid behind. 

Catching up with Galadriel, who is on the run with the nine rings for men, she encounters Adar once more. Curiously, her ring – which he took from Elrond at the end of episode 7 – has healed him, returning him back to his old, Elven look. When he gives the ring back, however, the corruption returns. “Adar is the name I earned,” he says, before asking Galadriel to help him earn it back – it means father. 

The orcs, however, aren’t so keen on this. They betray him and stab him to death, just as Adar urged them to do to Sauron so many years ago. Sauron, meanwhile, watches on. 

In Eregion, Elrond and High King Gil-galad are taken captive, but they are soon saved by the dwarves arriving. Prince Durin, however, is not with them, as he is in mourning for his father. The dwarves tip the balance in Eregion and drive out the orcs. 

Back in the forest, Galadriel and Sauron come to blows. “I know your mind,” Sauron says, telling Galadriel: “The door is still open.” Galadriel declares: “The door is shut.” Their battle rages on and Galadriel is forced to fight against Sauron in disguise as Halbrand, herself and Celebrimbor. She also takes some serious wounds, culminating in Sauron stabbing her with his crown. 

Galadriel falls to the ground and Sauron takes the nine rings from her. He tries to bewitch her into handing over her ring, but Galadriel jumps backwards off the cliff’s edge and escapes him. Sauron is so upset by this that he stabs one of the orcs, killing him. We’re betting they might be rethinking their change of allegiance, now…

As for the Stranger, we finally learn his name when the Stores call him “Grand Elf.” He likes the sound of that enough to take on a name… drumroll! He is none other than Gandalf. He has a staff now, too. 

In Khazad-dûm, Durin is still dealing with the death of his father, but already other dwarven lords – including his brother – are making moves for the crown. It seems he’ll have no time for mourning, or for offering aid to the elves. 

As for the elves, Galadriel – healed by Elrond using her ring – wakes up and recovers. The elves stand together, ready to continue the fight against Sauron and the rising darkness in Middle-earth… in season 3. 

The Rings of Power season 2, episode 8 Easter eggs

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

The Lord of the Rings – this one is pretty self-explanatory. Celebrimbor namedrops the whole story in his fatal showdown with Annatar/Sauron.

One alone shall prove your ruin – another self-explanatory Easter egg, referring to Frodo carrying the One Ring to Mordor, which ultimately leads to Sauron’s destruction. Though, of course, Frodo has plenty of help along the way.

Saruman – we don’t learn who the mysterious Dark Wizard is, but, since he calls Gandalf “old friend” and refers to five other Wizards, we can guess he’s Saruman.

The door is shut – Galadriel’s showdown with Sauron alludes to something she tells Frodo in The Fellowship of the Ring: “I say to you, Frodo, that even as I speak to you, I perceive the Dark Lord and know his mind, or all of his mind that concerns the Elves. And he gropes ever to see me and my thought. But still the door is closed!”

Rivendell – it’s not confirmed in the show, but it looks like the elves are gathered in Rivendell at the end of the episode, which is founded by Elrond following the Siege of Eregion in the source material. 

Fëanor’s hammer – Sauron takes the hammer, which he’ll most likely be using in the construction of a certain One Ring.

Narsil – Elendil draws a sword in Númenor, which is none other than Narsil. That’s the sword that Isildur uses to cut Sauron’s One Ring from his hand during the War of the Last Alliance. It became known as the Sword that was Broken, as this shattered the blade. Aragorn wields it much later in the Third Age.

The Rings of Power season 2, episode 7 ending explained 

Who dies in The Rings of Power season 2 finale?

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

The list is fairly short: King Durin is the first to die at the hands of the Balrog. Adar is then killed by his own orcs, while Celebrimbor is murdered by Sauron. Another orc is killed by Sauron. And, of course, there are plenty of casualties in the Siege of Eregion, though no other named characters perish. 

Is the Stranger Gandalf?

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

Yes, the Stranger has finally been revealed as Gandalf. Most of us called this from the very beginning, but we at last have confirmation, as the mysterious man finally claimed the name for himself – and a staff – at the end of the episode. 

Who is the Dark Wizard?

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The Dark Wizard’s identity is not revealed, but it seems a foregone conclusion. Not only does he look and speak like Saruman, but he also says there are five people like him and Gandalf – AKA the five wizards. Unless this is all an elaborate bait-and-switch, and he’s actually one of those Blue Wizards, it seems pretty safe to say the Dark Wizard is Saruman. 

Is Celebrimbor dead?

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Sadly, everyone’s favorite Elven smith is indeed dead. Sauron/Annatar murders him in the episode in a rage – torturously slowly – after Celebrimbor gives Galadriel the nine rings for men and she flees with them. 

What happens to Adar?

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Adar is killed by his own orcs after they turn on him. It’s not a huge surprise, considering he was pushing them to attack Eregion at any cost. They instead switch loyalty to Sauron and kill Adar in the same way they once “killed” Sauron, as revealed in season 2, episode 1. 

Is Arondir alive?

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In episode 7, it looked like Arondir might not make it to the end of season 2 after Adar stabbed him several times with an arrow. But, in episode 8, Arondir is alive and well. 

Where are the elves at the end?

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

It’s not confirmed, but it seems the elves are in Rivendell, which is founded by Elrond in Tolkien’s works. It’s a peaceful place in the Third Age, and a refuge for the elves in the Second Age.

What’s next for Durin?

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Durin’s father is dead, which makes him king. However, it’s not that simple. Other dwarf lords are making plots, including Durin’s own brother. It looks like his season 3 story will involve a power struggle. 

What’s next for Sauron? 

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Sauron takes Fëanor’s hammer with him from Eregion, which means he’s most likely turning his attention to forging the One Ring. We all know how that turns out…

Where are the rings now?

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Sauron took the nine rings for men from Galadriel, but she escaped with her own ring, Nenya. That means the elven rings and the dwarf ring that belonged to King Durin are not in Sauron’s possession, while he has the nine – and, most likely, he’ll soon have the One Ring, too. 

Where is Isildur going?

(Image credit: Amazon Studios)

Isildur is boarding a ship back to Numenor, leaving the Southlands (and Estrid) behind. He may be surprised by what he finds when he arrives, though, as Númenor is now fully in the control of the sinister Ar-Pharazôn. Still, Elendil drawing Narsil is a reminder of the great destiny awaiting Isildur. 

Check out our The Rings of Power season 2 review for our verdict on the entire season.

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