Halo On PlayStation Is Something Xbox Has Considered For A Long Time

As a business, Microsoft regularly considers what it can do to make the most possible money and improve the size, profile, and reputation of its brand, and one idea the company contemplated was bringing Halo to PlayStation.

Former Xbox executive Peter Moore told IGN that Microsoft, years ago, had “conversations about Halo on PlayStation,” adding that Microsoft was “constantly” considering its options. Microsoft even hired the consultancy company McKinsey to create a “wargames” scenario where Microsoft’s executives spent a couple days on a retreat trying to better understand the competition.

“I played the role of [PlayStation founder Ken Kutaragi], and this was fascinating to me,” he said. “It scared us because you’re stunned to figure out, well wait, I hadn’t thought of that. You mean they might do that to us or this might happen? And so you’re constantly thinking about every scenario, as ridiculous or disruptive or radical as it sounds. You have to, absolutely have to.”

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