Matt Stone On Why South Park: Snow Day Is Nothing Like The Previous Games

South Park: Snow Day! is nothing like the two South Park RPGs that preceded it, with its 3D animated aesthetic, its co-op battle gameplay, and even its surprisingly cheap $30 price tag. The move away from epic-scale, in-depth RPGs was a deliberate choice, says co-creator Matt Stone, and gives them the freedom to do some new things with the South Park gaming franchise.

“We came off of The Fractured But Whole, and we definitely wanted to do another video game, but we wanted to do something different,” Stone said in an interview with IGN. “We started talking about doing something a little different, more about replayability. More about being able to update characters. We always thought we wanted to do that thing where we do a thing in a show and then like, it’s in the game two weeks later, or three weeks, or whatever it is.”

The change in both gameplay and animation style will help facilitate this more live service style of game, making it easier for the developers to add new content. “The 2D stuff–amazing as it was to make those games–it was really, really hard when you think about what you have to work with. It’s just very confined, how we even made those fights work,” Stone explains. “And it’s the freedom here to create, it’s just a lot easier in the 3D realm. For me, I just accept that these are the South Park kids.”

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