Everything That Happened In Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The first entry in the ongoing Final Fantasy 7 trilogy, Remake covers the entire Midgar portion of the original game. However, where the original spent about seven or so hours in the neon-lit city, Remake expands the chapter to a full-blown 40-hour adventure. So, what happens across those few dozen hours? Let’s dive in.

Table of Contents [hide]Bombing Mission

Bombing Mission

Final Fantasy 7 Remake opens the same way as its ’97 counterpart: with the bombing of Midgar’s Sector 1 Mako Reactor. The operation is carried out by the eco-terrorist group Avalanche with a little help from our game’s main character, Cloud Strife. Cloud Strife is not a member of the ragtag team, but rather a mercenary brought on for this particular mission due to his knowledge of the reactor’s layout. You see Cloud is a former Soldier, an elite member of Shinra Electric Power Companies standing military.

As for why a power company needs its own military, in the world of Final Fantasy 7, Shinra essentially owns and operates the bulk of the world. The company rose to power after it discovered it could tap into the planet’s life force–or lifestream, as the game calls it–to withdraw mako, an energy source used to power people’s homes and way of life. The only downside to all this is they kind-of, sort-of might be killing the planet while also contributing to poverty, class warfare, and gross inequality–hence why Avalanche is intent on shutting down their operations.

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