Pacific Drive – How To Repair Your Car

You’ll spend most of your time on the road in Pacific Drive. The journey is perilous, and you’ll likely find yourself facing numerous environmental hazards and anomalies. Naturally, you’ll want to keep your vehicle running. Here’s our guide on how to repair your car in Pacific Drive.

How to repair your car in Pacific Drive

You can repair your car by making use of craftable items, such as the Repair Putty, Sealant Kit, Mechanic’s Kit, and Electrician’s Kit. There are also methods, like the Friendly Dumpster and Matter Regenerator, that restore replacement parts. Moreover, certain tools can help you in this regard.

What are the parts of your vehicle

But, before we tackle each facet, let’s talk about what comprises your vehicle in the first place. Your car in Pacific Drive has several parts:

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