Ambitious Fallout mod project aiming to recreate Fallout 1 inside Fallout 4 calls it quits, suspending the project but making it clear that it’s not Bethesda’s fault

Fallout: Vault 13, a modding project aiming to recreate Fallout 1 within Fallout 4, is ending active development.

In a statement, project founder and co-lead, modder Culinwino, explained that “after much careful thought and deliberation, we have decided to officially suspend development on Fallout: Vault 13.” 

Culinwino goes on to explain that “while active development is ending, we want to ensure that all the work we’ve done sees the light of day.” As a result, a full build of Fallout: Vault 13, which will include all of the project’s unfinished content, will be released “in the coming weeks,” and uploaded to Nexus Mods to “ensure that the community has access to all the work we’ve done so far.”

An announcement – Fallout: Vault 13 Development Suspended 20, 2024

The modding group is also planning to release a retrospective look at the project at some point in the future, “celebrating the highs, the lessons learned, and the passion that drove this project.”

In a follow-up tweet, Culinwino explained that development on the project was suspended “due to a combination of factors.” Those included “burnout […] and personal life changes among core team members,” but the group was quick to clarify that “there was no infighting or cease and desist from Bethesda.” “Ultimately,” they explain, “this was an ambitious project being made with limited resources by volunteers. The decision was made to prioritize the well-being of project members.”

Plenty of massive Bethesda-shaped modding projects have surfaced over the past few years, but the size, scope, and realities of volunteer-driven development mean that many are yet to see the light of day. Recently, however, one game did buck that trend – Fallout London, a British-themed Fallout fangame built within Fallout 4, released last year to community acclaim. Elsewhere, Fallout Miami is still trucking – eight years after its initial announcement.

For a full rundown of what you can play, here’s our list of the best Fallout games.

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