Baldur’s Gate 3 devs finally prepare to “close the book” on the D&D RPG with one last “cathartic” panel before moving on to “what’s next”

The end of Baldur’s Gate 3 as we know it is imminent – or at least Larian Studios’ entertaining panels about the Dungeons & Dragons RPG probably are.

Baldur’s Gate 3 panels have brought fans some unforgettable highlights, from sex with a bear to deep dives into Shadowheart’s sass. Like all good things though, Larian’s discussions are coming to an end – with a grand finale typical of the mastermind studio underway to close things off properly. In a post regarding the upcoming PAX West event, publishing director Michael “Cromwelp” Douse teases Larian’s concluding panel.

This’ll be a lively, cathartic panel, and probably the last time you’ll see the guys talk about BG3s development and we close the book and put our heads down for what’s next. 24, 2024

“This’ll be a lively, cathartic panel,” he writes, “and probably the last time you’ll see the guys talk about BG3’s development.” A bittersweet moment indeed – but that doesn’t mean that it’ll mark the end of Larian’s brilliant work. Douse reveals that while the team will soon “close the book” on Baldur’s Gate 3, developers will “put our heads down for what’s next” afterward – perhaps the “two games” they’ve previously discussed.

That’s not to say that Larian’s finished with Baldur’s Gate 3, either – the community has Patch 7 and all of its exciting additions to anticipate, including the RPG’s official mod toolkit and some steamy updates to “the art of snogging.” Besides, Patch 7 won’t be the RPG’s final update after all – so there’s likely plenty of banter and blood to enjoy for months to come until the team finishes cooking its next two projects up.

Baldur’s Gate 3 artist fondled a pack of Oreos to get the tentacle-stroking mind flayer sex scene just right: “Some things should probably stay behind the scenes”

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