As Helldivers 2 players grill Arrowhead over more nerfs, its CEO speaks to the “buff everything” and “it’s too easy” crowds: “We are listening and will tweak”

Instead of setting hearts blazing with democratic enthusiasm, the big Helldivers 2 Escalation of Freedom update has become a hotbed of division, with many players grilling developer Arrowhead over a perceived heel-turn on weapon balancing in the run-up to Helldivers 2’s Freedom’s Flame Warbond. Sifting through the ashes, studio CEO Shams Jorjani says the devs are paying attention and “we’ll tweak again” as needed. 

The spark that truly lit this fire was tucked away in the Escalation of Freedom patch notes. Fire damage was adjusted, purportedly to behave more realistically, but the in-game effects of this change dramatically reduced the potency of weapons like the flamethrower. You know, the fire weapon, the one that players fell in love with post-buff as a solid anti-Charger option, and the one that was perfectly positioned to reach glorious new heights with the fire-themed Warbond packing fire-resistant armor. Instead, as countless white-hot Reddit posts excoriate, “they nerfed the flamethrower” and it’s not very good against armored enemies anymore. 

Pair that with more difficult tier-10 missions packing hordes of armored enemies, nerfs to fan favorites like the Breaker Incendiary, and the release of an underwhelming mine Stratagem that players had understandably avoided until now. The Helldivers 2 community has suddenly been transported back to the days of May 2024, when mounting balance complaints prompted the game’s director to admit that “it feels like every time someone finds something fun, the fun is removed.” 

Jorjani agreed that “we don’t think weapons are as fun as they could be,” even if that doesn’t make it reasonable to threaten people over weapon balance, and suggested a more buff-loaded philosophy for the game. There were some buffs in today’s patch, to be fair, and buff-loaded doesn’t mean nerf-free, but the huge and frankly out-of-season nerfs to fire damage have dominated conversations around Escalation of Freedom’s launch for a reason. Stop me if this sounds familiar: it feels like some fun was removed. 

(Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios)

Many players have pelted Jorjani with such sentiments on Twitter, and the CEO’s been fielding some early feedback to the patch. “We’ve got a ton of players returning to the game to give it a go. We’re tracking bugs/issues and planning ahead of the hotfix,” he said in a Twitter thread. “I’m getting a lot of feedback on different parts of the update. Different player groups are liking/disliking different things – depending on playstyle.

“To nobody’s surprise ‘casual dads/moms’ all the way to ’the milsim players’ are enjoying different things. We’ll keep monitoring and seeing how things are going in a day or so. (I used those terms loosely – not an exact science – don’t quote me.)

“Some are going ‘buff everything!!’ Others are saying other things, ‘it’s too easy!’ Most are in-game – just playing. Every new big update requires a bit of playtime before we know which direction to fine-tune things. Appreciate the patience!” 

Some Helldivers 2 players took issue with Jorjani’s framing here, arguing that “buff everything” isn’t actually their position, but rather ‘leave the good stuff alone.’ Jorjani responded to this stance, adding: “I didn’t mean it as a defense of not balancing weapons. And we of course want to find a good balance across playstyles. Just that we do get feedback across the board. Our job is to listen and tweak.” 

“We collect feedback over time and see where we’re at in a day or so. If you check previous posts we’ve made we acknowledge screwups and try to improve,” he said in another reply.

Other users put it less mildly: “You just keep nerfing stuff for no reason, shit on player feedback and have no clue about actual balancing,” said one angry diver. Jorjani responded: “Aw man sorry you feel that way. That wasn’t our intent. We promised we’ll keep balancing and trying different things and that’s [what] we’ll keep doing.” 

Jorjani also addressed the players wondering if these “it’s too easy” folks are in the room with us right now. “Some consistently tell us that,” the CEO affirmed. “Others say it’s too hard. I wish we could [have] more precise data like that so we can share that with you. The balance between fun and a different kind of fun is what we’re trying to figure out.” 

(Image credit: Sony)

Jorjani fairly points out that balance changes need more than a few hours of feedback, but while the dust has yet to settle here, there’s no denying the community unrest. Helldivers 2 has seen a small but noticeable spike in negative Steam reviews (457 today versus 20 to 30 daily for several weeks), the Reddit is an absolute firestorm, and the CEO is putting out fires on Twitter. I’ve been writing about games and playing live-service games long enough to know that this is not the response you want on day one of what seems like an otherwise exciting update, divisive balance changes aside. 

One player proposed the idea of an in-game poll gauging player opinions, and while Jorjani didn’t commit to this specific idea, he did tease that “we’ve got more robust systems in the works that will allow us to do more community interaction stuff.” 

Helldivers 2 players failed their Major Order, so despite saving a children’s hospital 2 months ago the schools will now suffer instead.

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