Enshrouded Is Like Multiplayer Skyrim–And Makes My Group Feel Like The Fellowship Of The Ring

One of the first things Enshrouded instructed me and my friends to do was delve into the evil blue fog that infests its lowland areas, seek out a huge, fungus-covered, axe-wielding boss, and murder him.

After that, we built grapple hooks to swing over a destroyed bridge, and within the next hour, we crafted wingsuits from goat skins. We trekked back out into the world, discovered a huge, ancient tower, and scaled it. From its height, we spotted a destroyed monastery in the distance, so we leaped off and flew down, forming a fleet of medieval peasant base-jumpers, to see what was there. A chapel stood at one end, its roof crumbling to allow sunlight to pass through. We found someone kneeling at the altar–a glowing green skeleton knight, praying for who knows what–and we immediately wrecked his shit.

My experience with Enshrouded, since it launched in early access, has been full of moments like this, where my group and I set out into the unknown and discover an underground cave hiding strange ruins or a tower that requires figuring out environmental puzzles to scale it. We’ve slipped into that evil fog, the Shroud, to fight through strange, gross creatures and destroy tentacle-covered fungal growths to clear the foul miasma. We’ve discovered hammers that glow with intrinsic flame and scrolls that summon magic meteors to rain down on our enemies.

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