My Palworld prayers have been answered: being severely encumbered no longer stops you from moving completely, even at 1000% carry capacity

The new Palworld patch is great news for folks looking to move their bases, or simply move at all when they’re seriously encumbered.

I just started playing Palworld with some friends and one of the first things I noticed is how quick and easy it is to become encumbered – that is, slowed down by the weight of the resources you’re carrying. And to my dismay, what I learned shortly later is that, up until now, there was a point where you could become so weighed down that you’d simply stop moving at all.

While that’s a perfectly logical consequence for recklessly hoarding my entire base in my inventory, it’s been a pain in the ass regardless. See, my crew had outgrown the base we haphazardly built when we didn’t know what we were doing, but if wanted to move, we would’ve had to transport everything in batches or resort to the janky grappling hook technique.

Now, there’s a much easier method: just screw the weight limit and waddle slowly but steadily to your new base location in one go by holding everything at once, kinda like when you’re at the grocery store and you think you don’t need a cart but then you end up juggling bananas and apples with a carton of milk balanced on your head and a loaf of bread wedged between your legs while the cashier watches, mentally betting on whether this total goober will make it to the register without dropping everything and making a big mess. Just me?

Anyway, quietly tucked away in the new patch notes for Palworld update is a line that reads: “Specifications have been changed so that you can move at extremely low speed even when you have exceeded the weight limit.”

I’m a little nervous to see just what Pocket Pair’s definition of “extremely low speed” is, but hey, anything’s better than no movement speed at all.

Now for some bad news, Palworld has patched a hilarious and harmless glitch, and we here at GR+ are quietly devastated.

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