Wonder Woman Game Reportedly Having “Troubled” Development

Monolith Productions–the studio working on a currently unnamed Wonder Woman game–may be struggling with the project, according to Kinda Funny Gamescast host Greg Miller, who recently claimed the game’s development is “troubled.”

“In the past year–‘cause I’ll leave it ambiguous–I have talked to an insider, who was like, ‘This game’s troubled,'” Miller said during a podcast episode focused on predictions for Summer Game Fest. “That’s it, that’s all I’ll say. So I don’t hold out hope that it’s in a place to show something [at Summer Game Fest].”

Just days after the podcast, Monolith has announced it’s hiring. Specifically, the studio is looking for someone to fill the role of lead gameplay engineer–a fact that could lend credence to Miller’s claims. The role of lead gameplay engineer requires quite a bit of experience, and saddles whoever takes the position with a large amount of responsibility as far as the game’s development goes. That Monolith (which has been developing the Wonder Woman Game since at least 2021, if not earlier) is looking to fill such a pivotal role this late in the game could simply suggest its previous occupant got a higher-paying job offer at another studio, or simply felt ill-equipped for the role and left of their own volition. But it could also be a reflection of how well the game’s development is (or isn’t) coming along.

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