After 8 months and 1000 hours of work, the Dark Souls Re-Remastered mod remasters Dark Souls Remastered

A Dark Souls Remastered mod called Re-Remastered is remastering the classic game’s remaster, enhancing almost every visual aspect of the Kingdom of Lordran.

Dark Souls Re-Remastered overhauls significant parts of 2018’s remastered package, even restoring some technical qualities from the 2012 Prepare To Die Edition. The mod fixes bugs from the base game, enhances water reflections, adds more grass and foliage “(where needed),” and upscales textures for various weapons, armor, and bosses. 

The most transformational change made in Re-Remastered comes from “porting the visual look of [Prepare To Die Edition]” with restored lighting and textures ported over from that release. New dynamic lighting added across the entire game, as opposed to the baked lighting seen previously, also makes a stark difference here, especially in outside areas where rays of light literally cut through Lordran’s oppressive shadows. Oh, and there are “better trees” here too. Rejoice!

There are some other, smaller enhancements in Re-Remastered – you can now see the loathed Blighttown from Firelink Shrine, for example – but you can check out all the differences and download the project on NexusMods

Modder fromsoftservce says the mod took 8 months and over 1000 hours of work to complete, but despite the hefty workload, “1.0 is just the start” because the project was such a “labor of love.’

Dark Souls multiplayer enjoyers might want to stay weary, though. Fromsoftserve explains that they’ve been playing online without problems or a ban since the mod doesn’t mess with the game’s netcode, but they still warn fans to “play online at your own risk” just in case. 

This massive new Dark Souls modding tool was an “absolute game-changer” for the Fromsoftware classic.

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