Helldivers 2 players beg for an in-game PSA after learning online that certain planets grant liberation boosts that go away for good after a defeat

Did you know there are certain Helldivers 2 planets with training bases that are giving liberation boosts to all other planets, but only if they’re in Super Earth’s control? Because a lot of freedom fighters don’t.

In case you missed the alert for the latest Major Order, or simply didn’t read it all that carefully, or just as likely, forgot what it said, there are new Super Earth Armed Forces (SEAF) training bases on certain planets that send recruits to aid in the liberation front against Automatons and Terminids. 

Each planetary base grants a bonus as a certain percentage augmenting the collective effort toward liberation of all planets, but only so long as that planet is under Super Earth’s control. For example, Vernen Wells was making it 5% easier for us to liberate all other planets, but since that planet has since been taken by the Automatons and thus its SEAF facility destroyed, it’ll now be 5% harder to turn the tide against the enemy on all other planets going forward.

‘But what if we liberate a planet we previously lost? Surely the bonus comes back, right?’ you may be asking. But you’d be wrong. Once an SEAF-occupied planet goes to the Automatons or Terminids, its associated bonus is gone for good. This was confirmed in an exchange over Discord with Helldivers 2 community manager Twinbeard.

In reaction to to numerous Reddit threads mourning the loss of Vernen Wells’ liberation bonus, players are pretty much unanimous in their request for something of a PSA attached to planets granting these bonuses so that they know to prioritize them – especially since Major Orders can distract from them.

“Anyone ask if we can get something like a SEAF emblem over the planets or something so we know which ones by looking at the map?,” reads a comment with 3,000 upvotes. “It should be marked on the map that they are important, otherwise most people will just forget what these planets do,” reads another, again with 3,000 upvotes. Seems like something people want pretty bad.

To be fair, it isn’t as if Helldivers 2 doesn’t tell you at all about these SEAF planets, but it’s also reasonable to expect such a crucial piece of information to be displayed more prominently. In lieu of that PSA, here’s your call to action to defend Heeth, Angel’s Venture, and Aesir Pass, as those are the remaining planets granting bonuses in the ongoing fight for democracy.

I’ve reached out to Arrowhead for comment and will update this story if I hear back.

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