No, Your Call Of Duty Matchmaking Conspiracy Theory Isn’t True, Activision Insists

One of the biggest topics often surrounding Call of Duty is the matchmaking experience, and Activision has released a new blog post to discuss all the factors that weigh into matchmaking for the game’s multiplayer mode.

In a debate that’s old as time, Call of Duty is often criticized for having “high SBMM,” with skill-based matchmaking that’s meant to match up players in lobbies with similarly skilled players, but this latest blog refutes that skill is the dominant factor.

The publisher says, “We often see the community refer to our matchmaking system as skill-based matchmaking. Call of Duty does consider skill (or more specifically player performance) as a component, as do most in the industry, but skill is not the dominant variable. We consider and prioritize several factors to create lobbies.”

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