Roccat brand gets buried by parent company Turtle Beach

German-born Roccat might not be among the biggest names when it comes to PC accessories, but the company is notable enough to get dedicated display space on shelves in stores like Best Buy and Walmart. Well, it was: this week its corporate parent decided that it needed to cull the brood. Roccat as a brand is no more, and its existing product lines are being incorporated into Turtle Beach.

Turtle Beach is an American company that bought Roccat back in 2019. Generally the parent company has been known for gaming headsets for the last decade or so, especially those focused on the console market. Going forward all Roccat gear will be branded under the Turtle Beach name, with existing lines like the Vulcan keyboards keeping their names.

“No real change other than a name,” a PR representative told PCWorld when showing off the company’s latest designs in headsets, keyboards, and mice. “The same core team of innovative engineers and product managers are still developing PC peripheral greatness.”

I’m no marketer, but I can’t help but feel like this is a net loss, even with the advantages of consolidating a brand. Roccat’s name and imagery were distinctive with its pro sports-style cat logo, and “Turtle Beach” just doesn’t have the same bite to it.

Computer Accessories

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