Poll Shows Majority Of Game Devs Worry About Live-Service Sustainability

A new survey of working game developers has revealed that a large number of devs have concerns about the sustainability of the live-service game model, even as some major publishers continue to redouble efforts in that area.

The survey was undertaken by the Game Developer Collective, a panel of over 600 developers created in a collaboration between Game Developer, analyst firm Omdia, and GDC. Of those surveyed, 39% indicated they were “somewhat concerned” about live-service business models, while 31% were “very concerned.” Only 29% answered that they either had no concern or weren’t sure.

When the developers who indicated mild or moderate concern were questioned further about their specific worries about the business model, 63% said they were worried about players losing interest in the game, while 62% were concerned about competition from other games. Other major concerns included rising user-acquisition costs and rising development costs.

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