With Vids, Google thinks it has the next big productivity tool for work

In Vids, you can either make a video or ask the AI to make one for you. | Image: Google

For decades, work has revolved around documents, spreadsheets, and slide decks. Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Pages, Numbers, Keynote; Docs, Sheets, Slides. Now Google is proposing to add another to that triumvirate: an app called Vids that aims to help companies and consumers make collaborative, shareable video more easily than ever.

Google Vids is very much not an app for making beautiful movies… or even not-that-beautiful movies. It’s meant more for the sorts of things people do at work: make a pitch, update the team, explain a complicated concept. The main goal is to make everything as easy as possible, says Kristina Behr, Google’s VP of product management for the Workspace collaboration apps. “The ethos that we have is, if you can make a…

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