Game Developer Reports She Was Drugged While Attending GDC

Snow Rui, president and CFO of Hooded Horse, revealed that she was drugged while visiting San Francisco for the Game Developers Conference (GDC) last week. Rui shared her story on LinkedIn, laying out a full account of what happened as well as calling out “the complete indifference and inaction” of both GDC and the San Francisco Police Department.

According to Rui, she was drugged Thursday, March 21 while “unwinding” at her hotel’s lounge with some of her Hooded Horse colleagues. Rui stated that her and her friends were “drinking approximately one drink per hour” and showed no signs of “impairment” or “intoxication,” yet shortly before the bar closed, her colleagues noticed she had become nearly incoherent. They quickly tried to get Rui back to her room, yet by the time they reached her floor, she could no longer stand and had begun vomiting uncontrollably while “slipping in and out of consciousness.” Rui’s colleagues then contacted the San Francisco Police Department.

Rui and her husband were then taken to a nearby hospital while her friends explained the situation to the responding officers. However, Rui was later told that the officers “insisted [she] was simply drunk.” Rui added that an accompanying firefighter told her colleagues, “there are only two drugs common in this area, fentanyl and methamphetamine, and she doesn’t show signs of either, so it’s my medical opinion that she simply drank too much.” It was only after her colleagues repeatedly insisted that they investigate what happened that the officers agreed to look into things.

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