Dragon’s Dogma 2 players stunned to realize you don’t have to lug a ton of camping kits around: “They’re not consumable?!”

If you, like me, have spent your first hours in Dragon’s Dogma 2 lugging around a fat stack of camping kits thinking they were single-use items, here’s an important PSA: you can reuse those things.

Yeah, it turns out that camping kits in Dragon’s Dogma 2 aren’t actually consumables. They have a chance of breaking if you’re attacked by enemies overnight – a chance that’s reduced for higher-quality kits – but you absolutely do not need to be stacking your party’s inventory full of them. Just keep one and you’re golden.

This news is brought to you by this tweet from Jamie Moran, which I stumbled across today and had much the same sort of reaction as many of the replies underneath: “They’re not consumable?!” “No way!” “Wait. They aren’t?” “Man what??” Perhaps this response sums it up best, though, with a simple “lol.” 

I’ve been playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 this ENTIRE TIME…Thinking Camping Kits were Consumables…I’ve been carrying 7, taking up most of my weight pic.twitter.com/8t3jLSjn6tMarch 25, 2024

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You’ll find a lot of the same sort of shocked discovery on other discussion forums like Reddit, too. Posts with titles like “Camping kits ain’t consumable?!?” “15 hours in I realize camping gear is reusable” and “Are camping kits one time use or unlimited?” are here to make people like you and me feel a whole lot better about not realizing the truth earlier on.

If you need some more Dragon’s Dogma 2 tips, we’ve got you covered at that link. Not knowing what the hell is happening is part of the joy of Dragon’s Dogma, but nobody will blame you if you need a little help. We are talking about a game with a mysterious plague that can end up with the deaths of quest givers, after all. Speaking of which, are you looking for a Dragon’s Dogma 2 Dragonsplague guide?

As Dragon’s Dogma 2 players desperately try to stop Dragonsplague from killing off NPCs, they’re resorting to the only surefire cure – throwing their Pawns into the Brine.

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