Dragon’s Dogma 2 director wanted to add the polarizing Dragonsplague mechanic to the original 10 years ago, but couldn’t due to technical limitations

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s most divisive feature, the dreaded Dragonsplague, was first thought about 10 years ago but couldn’t be realized because of the technological shortcomings of the time.

In an interview with Automaton Media, Dragon’s Dogma 2 director Hideaki Itsuno, who also helmed the original RPG at Capcom, reflects on what wasn’t possible with the first game. Itsuno points to the Dragonsplague, a brand new feature for the sequel that sees Pawns become infected with a mysterious illness and can have dire consequences if not rapidly treated.

“In Dragon’s Dogma 2, we were able to introduce the two countries Vermund and Battahl, as well as ‘Dragonsplague,’ the contagious disease that infects Pawns,” Itsuno said. “These were also ideas that we were not able to implement in the previous title. AI behaviors, which had been simplified due to the limitations of the PS3 at the time, are simulated more realistically in the sequel.”

Itsuno also revealed that the original Dragon’s Dogma wasn’t able to handle the vast number of NPCs we’re now seeing on-screen at once in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Now, if you run around a big town or city like Vernworth, you’ll see dozens of characters milling around individual areas of the city, including the market district, slums, and mighty castle to the south.

The Dragonsplague and the increased number of NPCs sort of go hand in hand. Dragon’s Dogma 2 players are discovering to their horror that the Dragonsplague can wipe out entire towns if not treated, which means quests are potentially cut off when a crucial character is killed by the infectious disease. As a result, Dragonsplague is a very contentious subject within the game’s player base, with some declaring it a terrible feature.

Read up on our Dragon’s Dogma 2 fast travel guide if you’re looking for handy hints on how the feature works in Capcom’s game. 

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