Baldur’s Gate 3 – How To Romance Gale

Baldur’s Gate 3 has earned enormous praise for its plethora of well-rounded, romanceable companion characters. Among those companions is the well-meaning, well-spoken, Weave-wielding Wizard Of Waterdeep, Gale Dekarios.

As a generally good-aligned character, Gale generally isn’t too much of a challenge to romance for players who are committed to a “good” playthrough, though he can be a challenge for anyone playing as The Dark Urge or otherwise planning to take the “evil” route when it comes to player choices, and there are several moments in the story that can result in him disappearing altogether. Keep reading for a guide to winning over the wordy wizard’s heart, including tips that will help you avoid having him leave your party.

How To Romance Gale In Baldur’s Gate 3


Though all Baldur’s Gate 3 companions were aboard the Nautiloid with you, only two of them can be found within it and recruited before it crash-lands in Faerûn. Once you’ve picked up Lae’zel and Shadowheart, don’t bother scouring the Nautiloid for other companions, as you won’t find any. Instead, Gale can be found at the Roadside Cliffs waypoint, close to the Nautiloid’s crash site.

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