Alone In The Dark – Chapter 2 Clock Puzzle Guide

Chapter 2 of Alone in the Dark places you back in Derceto, with your primary objective to repair the plate in the Clock found on the second floor in the Gallery. In order to repair the clock, you will need to find the two missing clock plate pieces before you can continue forward. One can be found in the garden area, while the other is located in Perosi’s Bedroom.

The Garden Well clock plate piece

The clock plate piece can be retrieved from the well by filling it with water.

The first clock plate piece can be found in a well in the corner of the garden, which you may have noticed during the first chapter of the game. In order to get that plate out, you will need to acquire the Bolt Cutters. If you haven’t, the Bolt Cutters can be found on the first floor in the Small Parlor. Enter the room and attempt to enter the door that is locked by a visible lock and chain. The room will transform and will be partially flooded. On the desk in the corner of the room, there is a set of Bolt Cutters. Pick them up and then use it on the chained door, which will change the room back to normal. Now head to the Garden and access the shed using the Bolt Cutters.

Inside the shed is a hose, which can be attached to the end of the hose already on the ground near the well. Follow the existing hose back to the water spout and turn it on, filling the well with water and bringing the piece up with the water level so you can grab it.

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