Unicorn Overlord – All Romance Options And How To Get Married

Unicorn Overlord features a few dozen unique characters, many of which you have the option to romance about halfway through the campaign. In order to romance and marry the character of your choice you will need to max out your rapport with that character and complete a specific story quest before you can pop the question. Here’s how to quickly max out your Rapport, get married, and who you can get married to.

How to build Rapport

There are three main ways of building rapport between characters in Unicorn Overlord. First, characters in the same unit will build rapport every time they fight an enemy unit, earning a small amount from each encouter. If you’re looking to romance a character, that means they will need to be in the same unit as Alain and you will need to use that unit in combat. This method is pretty slow compared to the other two options, but it doesn’t require money or items.

The second method is eating at a tavern. Taverns can be found in the bigger towns and kingdoms around the map. If you are looking at a town on the overworld map, the tavern icon is a beer with food. At the tavern you will have three food options, each of which offers a different amount of rapport and a different number of characters you can include. Some meals offer over 100 rapport, which can quickly get you to the max rapport level of three.

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