With Automatons threatening Ustotu and Draupnir, Helldivers 2 grunts worry the obsession with recapturing the infamous Malevelon Creek might derail the war effort

Helldivers 2 players are once again honing in on Malevelon Creek, and others are worried it’s going to drag the Galactic War effort into the mud.

Yes, the fight for Malevelon Creek is back on. After originally losing Malevelon Creek to the Automatons earlier this month, players banded together to repel the robotic forces in droves, but even so, the percentage of the planet they’ve managed to actually conquer is negligible at the time of writing. 

Now, some players are calling for the Galactic War effort to hone in on Malevelon Creek and conquer the planet once and for all. The Helldivers 2 subreddit post from earlier this week, seen just below, is a call to arms for all Helldivers to descend on the planet and liberate it later this week on March 16.

Assemble at Malevelon Creek March 16 from r/Helldivers

The post has a lot of support, with over 6,400 upvotes from players seemingly pledging their support for the cause. However, plenty of others are sceptical of the new approach for going all-in on Malevelon Creek, effectively calling it a huge and unworthy gamble.

“For real… the Automatons are gonna waltz right on up to Cyberstan unimpeded because of y’all misguided creekers…” one Reddit user writes in response. Another player reckons that the war effort should instead be focused on other planets, namely Ustotu and Draupnir, before Helldivers then naturally progress to Malevelon Creek instead.

For what it’s worth, since the original post above went live yesterday, Draupnir has seek its conquer meter tick up significantly. At the time of writing, Draupnir is 12% liberated thanks to a force of 43,000 Helldivers, and based on other recent posts, that’s an increase of nearly 10% since the same time yesterday. 

Looking at the wider picture though, things still aren’t great for Draupnir. According to another subreddit post from five days ago, the planet was sitting at a comfortable 55% liberated, so for this to fall into the single digits inside a week is a painful blow for Super Earth’s forces. 

According to this Helldivers 2 tracker and our own boots on the ground, there are just 5,000 Helldivers on Ustotu right now, while 7,700 Super Earth soldiers are on Malevelon Creek. Both those numbers are a far cry from Draupnir’s forces, so perhaps the pleas of those concerned with focusing too much on Malevelon Creek are actually getting through to others. (Or perhaps a lot of Helldivers 2 players are fair weather fans eagerly hopping to whatever planet is the new hotness, but I digress.) 

Divers… We need to focus our attacks! Move to DRAUPNIR! from r/Helldivers

In actual fact, the original Reddit user who posted the call to action above is down with taking Draupnir first. “5 days to build stronger. 5 days to prepare for March 16th. Those willing should use this time of preparation to aide the Helldivers of Draupnir. Use the planet as an example for what we are capable of,” they wrote in response to the calls to liberate Draupnir first.

The scepticism from players is actually very well-founded. Helldivers 2 players lose ground on planets because the Automaton and Terminid forces don’t sleep, so while you’re slumbering away, the enemy armies are steadily gaining ground where there are no players to repel them. With all the focus on Malevelon Creek, you can see why some are worried other planets will fall.

Read up on our Helldivers 2 meta guide for a look over the current optimal build and loadouts for conquering planets. 

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