Fallout 76 player who nuked Phil Spencer says it was nothing personal: “He was the final boss in my eyes – In an RPG I prefer to be the bad guy”

The Fallout 76 player who nuked Phil Spencer’s in-game camp wasn’t protesting the recent closure of Bethesda studios but had instead been planning the attack for weeks. In a shocking … Read More

Former Helldivers 2 lead writer praises the shooter’s community for uniting against the PSN mandate: “We trained them to fight together. And then they fought together”

A former Helldivers 2 lead writer has praised the shooter’s community for uniting against the recent PSN mandate. News broke last week that Helldivers 2’s PC players would be required … Read More

26 years later, an April Fool’s joke turned urban legend comes to life as a Resident Evil 2 mod that lets you Shoryuken zombies as a Street Fighter character

Folks, the fabled Resident Evil 2 Akuma Mode is real. Backing up about 26 years to April 1998, the famously jokey gaming magazine EGM2 claimed the Street Fighter character Akuma … Read More