Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Will Make Dragonsplague Less Annoying

Capcom plans to scale back the infection rate of Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 later this month. In addition, it will become more obvious when Pawns have fallen ill with the disease.

On X (formerly known as Twitter), the official Dragon’s Dogma account revealed the upcoming update that focuses on Dragonsplague and Pawn behavior. “Glowing eyes will be more noticeable” to affected Pawns, the notes state, and players will now be able inspect them up close in the status screen. In addition, your Pawns should navigate cliffsides better, meaning they shouldn’t tumble over them as much.

Dragonsplague has been a real plague for Dragon’s Dogma 2 players. In fact, modders have even removed the disease from the action-RPG because it had become so bothersome. On top of that, players had come up with a rotten gimmick to warn others in Dragon’s Dogma 2 about infected Pawns.

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